kcdjunique Podcast of Electronic Music
Welcome to the page is about video and audio production
kcdjunique Podcast of Electronic Music
Welcome to the page is about video and audio production
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Welcome to the page is about video and audio production
Welcome to the page is about video and audio production
Thanks for coming by and Welcome to On this website, I will be giving out my music if you would Like to Download some of my shows. The reason I started this Website was to be able to demonstrate some things and maybe teach some people something if they were interested.
This Drum machine can come in handy if your trying to do Live Shows. Are you just want to make music. I am using this Funk rock preset and mixings up the Bass guitar sounds and Drums. This was a remix I did on the fourth of July. This was made with Drum machines and synthesizers no computers. This is a Remix of a Goa Trance pattern that is on the Groovebox. I have the Bass going to my Alesis QS-6 synthesizer. The Drums is played by the Akai and Alesis Sr-18.
I started this page so that I could let you hear some of my Mixes. I will start making more music to download. There will be a lot that I can not put up anywhere else. I try to make these songs for the DJ or anybody who likes the groove. I also believe in music education. Thanks for coming bye.
#kcdjunique#modelo#CERVEZA# zJust chilling at the Crib.
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